Online Bibles where you can look up these passages:
March 10-12
About the Gospel of Matthew
For this week, you are to read all of Matthew in one sitting.
See post from March 5, 2011.
3/10 - Overview of the Gospel of Matthew
3/11 - Jesus Teaches: The Discourses of Matthew
3/12 - Jesus and Judaism, or Matthew's understanding of Torah
March 13-19
Week 1 – Jesus Presented (Matthew 1:1-4:11)
3/13 - Genealogy (1:1-17)
3/14 - Birth and Visit from the Wise Men (1:18-2:12)
3/15 - Escape to and return from Egypt (2:13-23)
3/16 - Proclamation of John the Baptist (3:1-12)
3/17 - Baptism of Jesus (3:13-17)
3/18 - Temptation of Jesus (4:1-11)
3/19 - Reflections from the week
March 20-26
(Warning – this is a heavy week of teaching!)
Week 2 – Jesus’ Ministry (Matthew 4:12-11:1)
3/20 - Jesus begins his Ministry (4:12-17)
3/21 - Call of the Disciples (4:18-22)
3/22 - Jesus Teaches (4:23-5:48)
3/23 - Jesus Teaches (5:1-7:29)
3/24 - Mighty Deeds/Miracles/Healing (8:1-9:34)
3/25 - Commissioning of the Twelve and Jesus Teaches (9:35-11:1)
3/26 - Reflections from the week
March 27-April 2
Week 3 – Israel’s Repudiation of Jesus (Matthew 11:2-16:12)
3/27 - Israel repudiates Jesus (11:2-12:50)
3/28 - Jesus Teaches: Parables (13:1-52)
3/29 - Rejection of Jesus/Death of John (13:53-14:12)
3/30 - Jesus Feeds, heals and teaches (14:13-14:35)
3/31 - Jesus Feeds, heals and teaches (15:1-39)
4/1 - Demand for a Sign and the Pharisees and Sadducees (16:1-12)
4/2 - Reflections from the week
April 3-9
Week 4 – From Galilee to Jerusalem (Matthew16:12-21:46)
4/3 - Disciples Declaration of the Son of God, Jesus Foretells Death and Resurrection, Cross and Self Denial (16:13 – 16:28)
4/4 - Transfiguration, healing, second foretelling and temple tax (17:1-27)
4/5 - Jesus Teaches (Matthew 18:1-35)
4/6 - Jesus Teaches and God’s Kingdom (19:1-20:16)
4/7 - Third Foretelling, Status in the Kingdom, Healing (20:17-34)
4/8 - Entry into Jerusalem, Cleansing of the Temple, Jesus’ Authority Questioned, Parable of Wicked Tenants (21:1-27)
4/9 - Reflections from the week
April 10-16
Week 5 – Journey in Jerusalem (Matthew 22:1-27:66)
4-10 - Invitation, Testing and Questioning (22:1-46)
4/11 - Jesus Teaches: Jesus’ Critique of Traditional Leadership (23:1-39)
4/12 - Jesus Teaches Fall of Jerusalem (24:1-35)
4/13 - Jesus Teaches: Watchfulness, Preparation and Judgment (24:36-25:46)
4/14 - Conspiracy, Anointing, Last Supper, Betrayal and Arrest (26:1-68)
4/15 - Jesus and Pilate, Passion, Crucifixion, Death, Burial (27:1-66)
4/16 - Reflections from the week
April 17-23
Week 6 – A Walk Through Holy Week and the Resurrection (Matthew 28:1-20)
4/17 - Sunday – Palm Sunday
4/18 - Monday – Monday in Holy Week
4/19 - Tuesday – Tuesday in Holy Week
4/20 - Wednesday – Wednesday in Holy Week
4/21 - Thursday – Maundy Thursday
4/22 - Friday – Good Friday
4/23 - Saturday – Holy Saturday – Resurrection and Commissioning of the Disciples (28:1-20)
April 24 - Easter